January 16, 2015

Mum Fashion Styles

I recently wrote a post about my love of Instagram and a little bit of photo fun I want to start and share with everyone here and anywhere around the world to inspire each other and to remove the stigma that you must wear a suit if you work in a corporate office. Times have changed and so does fashion. Have a read of my post here and join in on the fun. 

I've since received feedback and comments from you and friends who are stay at home mums or even people who don't work in the corporate environment wanting to be involved. Well… YOU CAN GET INVOLVED. The great thing about this fun fashion photo is that there are no rules. For me I work in an office environment during the day so the word "corporate" came about but it doesn't matter what kind of work you do, where you work or if you work; I'd love for everyone, man or woman, to get involved and get creative with your photos and let people see what you wear in whatever profession you have chosen. 

To my many stay at home mums, I know that many of you have a great fashion sense; and even with kids, you still manage to go out looking a million dollars. Share this with others, inspire other mums to encourage and to show that fashion can be effortless. You can have an additional special hashtag of #dnsmummycorporatestyle

Fashionable mum (Photo Credit)
To those who have to wear a uniform for work, show us how you style it up or what accessories you add to make your outfit different. There are endless ideas and inspirations.

Katherine Sabbath is a school teacher by day & has an amazing style (Photo Credit)
So, let's get snapping, uploading and sharing and don't forget to use the main hashtag #dnscorporatestyle and follow me on @dreamsnsparkle so that I and everyone else can see what you're posting. 

Happy Instagraming! 

Jo xo 

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