Our new Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, stated that "Disrespecting women does not always result in violence against women"….."But all violence against women begins with disrespecting women" as he unveiled a $100 million package to boost support services, training and fund practical measures to help those fleeing abusive relationships. The aim of the package is to keep women safe in their homes, on the streets and online. I totally support.
I would have to say that I am very lucky to not be a victim of domestic violence and nor do I know of any close friends and/or family going through this. However, you never know what is going on behind someone's closed door; they could be putting on a very brave face in public.
Respect should be given to everyone regardless of gender, age, status or even job titles. We are all people, we are all humans and we are all here for a limited time; we shouldn't have to live in fear and nor should we be fearing those we love, trust and respect.
Have you experienced domestic violence or know of someone? How did you or they manage to get out or what help was available?
Love and respect each other.
Jo x
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